
Cleans up after a MoveTables and Reshard workflow

Command #

DropSources  [-dry_run] [-rename_tables] <keyspace.workflow>

Description #

Once SwitchWrites has been run DropSources cleans up the source resources by deleting the source tables for a MoveTables workflow or source shards for a Reshard workflow. It also cleans up other artifacts of the workflow, deleting forward and reverse replication streams and blacklisted tables.

Warning: This command actually deletes data. We recommend that you run this with the -dry_run parameter first and reads its output so that you know which actions will be performed.

Parameters #

-rename_tables #

default all

Only applies for a MoveTables workflow. Instead of deleting the tables in the source it renames them by prefixing the tablename with an _ (underscore).

-dry-run #

default false

You can do a dry run where no actual action is taken but the command logs all the actions that would be taken by SwitchReads.

keyspace.workflow #


Name of target keyspace and the associated workflow to run VDiff on.